Middle Class Scholarships (MCS)| Funding Aid for College

Have you heard about the middle class scholarships also known in the short form as MCS? This scholarship is for undergraduate students which also include students that are pursuing a teaching credential with a scholarship that will be given to study either in university of California or California state university campus. Undergraduate that only have the maximum annual family income and as st ceiling of the amount $191,000. Middle class scholarships are given out on a sliding scale which means is according to the income the family is making.

Base on tuition and fee amount, the scholarship will be on the student and the institution. The award maximum will be 40% of the systemwide.

middle class scholarships

How Middle Class Scholarships work

The scholarship works in a way that the state allocates funding for the scholarship program every year.  The goal of the funding is to provide the scholarship that can help cover 405 of the UC systemwide tuition and fee for the UC students.

  • You have to make sure that you get to apply for financial aid. You also need to apply of the financial aid each year by the 2nd of May which is the deadline and there is no different form to for you apply for the middle class scholarship program
  • CSAC California Student Aid commission and the UC campus financial aid office can let you know your actual scholarship amount if your family income and household income are under $191,000 each year and you qualify for the scholarship

Things you need to know about middle class scholarship

  1. Undergraduate are most eligible for this scholarship and also student that is in pursuit of teaching credential and a scholarship to study in CSU California state university or university of California UC. You will be eligible as any of these two student is your family income is up to $2021, 000.
  2. In order to be a California resident which is attending UC or CSU, you must meet up to all the requirement. You must be up to some certain income or asset and also other financial help standard to be a US citizen. ermanent resident or meet the requirement for nonresident tuition exemption. other thing to keep up with is, you must  not be a default on a student loan, must not be incarcerated and you must maintain a very good academic progress
  3. Depending on your education level when you are awarded the relationship, the scholarship might be up to 4 years
  4. The student may complete the free application for federal student Aid {FAFSA}. The CA Dream Act Application {CADAA} starting from October 1st through the March 2nd deadline. Student should complete the CA Dream Act Application if they are without Social Security Number or those who have a U or TPS visa or DACA or who have lost or not applied for DACA
  5.  To monitor their state financial aid, they are encouraged to establish WebGrants for Student account. After they have submitted the FASA or CA Dream Act Application. the WebGrant account they have created provides them with an easy access to review their awarding status and it is also secure

Other things about Middle Class Scholarship

  1. The amount of a scholarship award will differ depending on the student and the school. Other available gift aid that the student is eligible for (i.e. federal, state, institutional, or scholarship aid), a self-help student contribution of $7,898 (applied to all students), and a parent contribution for dependent students with a household income of over $100,000 will determine award amounts. These three criteria are referred to as a student’s “available resources” when used together. The MCS grant is calculated by subtracting these sums from the student’s total cost of attendance. The award amounts will differ greatly among students under this formula, with each student’s prize reflecting their costs and available resources.
  2. Based on the students eligibility for the scholarship statewide and the allocated funding by the state budget is what the final MCS award amount for the year will be. To ensure match for the annual state appropriate for the program a percentage will be applied every year. If it is determined that the funds that are not sufficient to cover the cost of the MSC award project. The award amount can be reduced at any time during the year, Pursuant to Education Code section 70023.
  3. Beginning of October and before the March 2nd deadline application, the student are all encouraged to attend free cash for college workshop. They are to attend in their community in order to get assistance completing the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application. However, you need to know that the entire student must reapply every year.
  4. Usually in July or august, the student that are selected to receive an MCS award will get notified by the California student Aid Commission
  5. You can contact your UC or CSU campus Financial Aid Office. You can also check your Web Grants for students account, if you need any information about the scholarship

How to apply for the middle class scholarships

You can apply for the middle class scholarship all in a simple and easy way all through your mobile device. The following are the ways you can apply for the middle class scholarship.

  • You must have AB 540 status or California resident
  • You must not b a default on a student loan
  • You must always maintain a very good academic progress
  • Your family assets must be up to $191,000, savings in retirement accounts. Excluding equity in a primary residence and have a family asset levelsF
  • File a FAFSA/California Dream Act Application by March 2nd
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