How to create Outlook login

How to create an Outlook login or sign in for is the same as for the Microsoft account. If you have no Microsoft account, you can create one when you visit a New Outlook email

What is to create an Outlook login? is an email web-based that offers free services with interesting and friendly features.

Therefore, if you are familiar with Microsoft, it’s time to get inexpensive web-based email services. So, I want you to consider getting an email.

What we saying is this, in all you’re getting, get No more no less. Remember it offers free services.

How to Create a New Outlook email

Additionally, is a product of Microsoft that offers free personal email services.  It is web-based and also compatible with tools and other popular Microsoft Office applications.

More so, for those who are new to the world of that it has replaced Outdated Hotmail. The reason for the replacement should be attributed to innovations. Importantly, for those who have a Hotmail account that there is no need for creating a new account.

Hence Hotmail is an earlier version of email. So just migrate to and start enjoying the Outlook email services. to create Outlook login has more comprehensive packages than email, it has to do with more professionals and attracts charges. While email doesn’t need all that and it’s all free.

Therefore, if you only want to have a free email account, don’t give yourself a headache with many details.  Kindly go to email and sign up.

Most importantly, email has beaten Yahoo mail.  To take over its position and become the second most popular provider of free email globally.

The benefits/advantages/features of email

The benefit of is enormous but to mention a few.

Using an account follows with momentous benefits.

  • Compatibility. As a product of Microsoft, it has integration with Windows 10 operating system. Moreover, it works faultlessly with the Outlook Office 365 app.

However, email is the second-largest email provider in the world today. Thus have many advantages and features that will interest you as we go further in our discussion. Just remain focused as we unveil to you the helpful benefits, features, and advantages of using email.

  • Storage. As a user of email, you are entitled to enjoy 15 GB for storage of your files. Additionally, the users of Office 365 (premium) get more storage for email (accounts) belonging to them. Isn’t that amazing?
  • Free. In case your budget is limited and afraid of spending more money then Outlook is for you. Because is a free email account sign up with a whole lot of features. As you keep growing and needs arise, you may decide to upgrade to Office 365. It is good to say that this is an opportunity for starters to start big with
  • Bills pay Automated Reminder. One thing so unique about having an account with is such interesting offers. Such as an email provider scanning your emails and spotting the bills sent to your mailbox. Isn’t this wonderful, fantastic, and enticing? Furthermore, not only just to identify it but to also remind you. Like if that is not enough, it will add the due date to your calendar. And to crown, it all, send you an email reminder two days before the bill is due for payment. This is very useful to or for those that receive a lot of email notifications for bill payments.

    Features of email

  • com Add-ins. Because of the availability of many Add-ins, the users can enlarge the usage of your email. It is necessary to let you know that this add-in is available with the Microsoft App source. Others can still be found on Interestingly, Add-ins make it easy for you to integrate with other popular tools. These tools are almost of day-to-day usage such as Evernote, PayPal, and FedEx.
  • Focused Inbox. This particular feature sources your most vital email messages for you to see. However, the messages Outlook finds trivial are filtered automatically.  The good thing especially for those that receive several emails daily is that the feature saves time. Although this feature can be turned off for those who may not find it useful. It just depends on what is good for you at a particular time.
  • Sweep Tool. Using sweep tools will help you quickly organize your email inbox. Therefore, moving email messages automatically from one or more particular senders out of your mailbox. Also, the sweep can be used to delete email messages, archive or place them in a folder as specified.
  • Dark mode. It is no doubt that brightly lit computers or other devices screens can damage the eyes. However, Dark mode can now dim the background of your email which will help the eyes. Furthermore, dark mode is very good and easily turns on or off using email settings.

Note: those who may not like ads in their email, may kindly upgrade to the paid version of with Office 365 to avoid ads.

How to Create a New Outlook email

In creating your own free email account, kindly follow the steps beneath.

In creating your account, kindly go to the Outlook sign-up page.  Then click the free account button

Make a choice of an account name and password.

After Outlook sign-up page, the next is to choose your user name for your email.

Therefore, type your most preferred username and click the next button.

Please don’t be so fast to make choice. Gently choose the user name that is easy for you to remember. In case this email is for business purposes, may you kindly choose a professional username?  Even if your desired name has been taken, Keep making variations till you get a better one.

Note that by default, your free email account username shall have an extension to “”

After that, you will be expected to create your password for your Outlook email account.

Furthermore, type your account password then click the next button.

For the purpose of securing an account, don’t choose a password that is too simple to avoid hackers. Therefore, while choosing a password you may use upper and lower case with numbers and symbols.

Incline your ear to this: After setting up your password, make sure you secure it with password storage tools. Such as LastPass, Dashlane, or Keeper to store your password. Or any other place you think will be much more secure.

  • Additional information/How to create Outlook login

Additionally, will require you to add your name:

To that effect, type your first and last name. Click the Next button more details will appear: This will be to choose your Country/Region and also select your birthday. When you are done, click the Next button. The button will lead you to the next step.

  • Verification

In this step, you will be asked to verify that you are a person by typing the CAPTCHA character.

Just type the CAPTCHA character and click the Next button.

You will behold the Welcome screen.

Account settings/How to create Outlook login

After you have chosen your username and password, guides you to some basic account settings. Thus, starting from the Welcome screen:

When you start setting up your email from the Welcome screen, click the arrow at your name. You shall be guided through different prompts which will assist you in the account setup.

 1. Select Language and Time Zone

Firstly you will be asked to select a language and time zone:

Take the arrows to the right of the Language and Time zone files to select your own. After you have sleeted, click the right arrow to move ahead in setting your email.

2.  Theme selection

On this next page, you will be given about 50 themes for you to make your choice.

You can now make your preferred choice of theme and click on it.

And as you click, the theme you choose becomes the color and background of your email.

  1. How to create Outlook Email Signature

The next is the addition of your signature after you have selected your email theme color.

Note: The signature you put appears in all the emails you send out through the account. Except if you don’t like it so, then you can turn it off from the setting. The choice is yours.

Consequently, someone could type in a text in the box as a signature but it is not professional. Thus, for a professional email to have based add signature templates such as GrphicRiver or Envato Elements.

For you to add professional email graphic created from a template. You have to click on the Insert Image icon. Then browse to find your Outlook. com email signature image.

  1. Insert a Calendar

On the next page or screen you will be asked to insert your email calendar:

Select among a Local calendar, an MLS (Major League Soccer), or an MLB (Major League Baseball). Then, click on the type of calendar you may desire to make use of.

Thereafter, if you select soccer, click on the team whose calendar you’d prefer to add to your email account. After you finished, click on the arrow that will lead you to the next page or screen. As you select your team calendar, then add their games to your email account calendar.

5. Adding to Your Phone

The next page or screen will lead you to add email to your phone.

In adding to your phone, kindly type your mobile phone number and click the Get App.  Or you may wish to skip this step. The choice is yours.

  1. Your Outlook.Com Email Address Is Ready

Immediately after you finish setting up your Outlook .com email account, the next is to open your email account and start to use it. For that to happen, click let’s go to open your email account your inbox will display.

Good luck and congratulations!, You have succeeded In creating your Outlook email account.  It’s time to start enjoying your newly created email account.

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