How To Use TikTok for Business

How do I use TikTok For Business? If you own a TikTok account, then I would like to bring to your notice that there is more to TikTok than just comedy sketches, dancing, and watching videos. As TikTok is also an open platform for business and the opportunities there are juicy and worth considering. TikTok as we all know is one of the most popular and most used social media videos making platforms in the world today with over 1,000,000,000 monthly active users.

How To Use TikTok for Business

It is a platform where people, including you and I, can see a lot. Moreover, it is no doubt that lots of users sign in to their accounts every day. This implies that with the large number of active users on TikTok, there is an opportunity for you to engage your audience as a brand in a new, different, and unique way. As your potential customer could be among those people who view your dance videos, posts, your feeds and like them. By the way with the launch of this TikTok feature, there is a guarantee that the commercial potential here would grow.

So, are you encouraged to use your TikTok account to start up your business? If yes, then you might want to ask the question “How do I use my TikTok for Business? Fret not as right here in this article you would be enlightened on TikTok for Business and how to use it. All you just need to do is read through to be enlightened.

Can TikTok Be Used for Business

The answer is yes, TikTok can be used for business. You might be skeptical about using this social platform for your business and that is because you think it is for younger generations as based on statistics, the younger generations have a higher population rate on the platform than the older ones. Also, because of this, more of what you can find on the platform is just entertainment content.

But I would like to bring to your notice that yes, the entertainment content is very popular on TikTok but that isn’t the whole of the platform if you explore deeper there are a lot more exciting things you can find on it including other companies putting up their brands and marketing their items on the platform. Trust me they are hitting it big.

Moreover, TikTok also accepts informative and educational content from both brands and influencers. That’s one of the reasons we find many unlikely brands making it on the platform. Let’s take for example Manscaped and the ACCA. Who would have thought they would be able to make a name for their brand on TikTok? But yeah, fortunately, they did it. If they can, your brand can too!

So, do you still think of leaving the idea of using TikTok and opting for other social media options like Instagram and Facebook as it happens to look a bit more serious than the idea of TikTok? Then I feel you should rethink that. Open the TikTok app, explore beyond entertainment content and see what your competitors and up to. Then check if you can find any creative way to leverage the platform in a way it would be good to market your services.

What are the Benefits of Using TikTok for Business

Using TikTok for your business would help your brand in a lot of ways. Here are some ways using TikTok would grow and develop your business below;

It would help increase your brand awareness

Yes, it helps. How? TikTok has multiple ways by which you can use to broadcast your brand and make it known. You can work with some brand influencers, run ads and also make use of hashtags and stickers (branded) to publicize your brand.

Also, if you are good at making videos, you can make something entertaining about your brand. It has a very high potential of going viral. Then from there, the world would get to know about what you have to offer.

It helps to increase your audience

TikTok as earlier said is a social platform with over a billion monthly active users. Also, it works across over a hundred different countries. This then brings or gives the idea that you can even reach an international audience. That way you would not just have potential customers locally but also internationally. Technically it increases your customer base.

It helps to attract new customer

if you are a regular TikTok user maybe not to make videos but to watch instead. You would notice that nice and authentic contents drag you to the creator’s page. Because you want to see more. That is also the same way if you create something nice and authentic on the platform, it would help you get audiences that would want to see more of what you have.

This then helps you build strong relationships with your prospective audiences and also increases your chances of making them your customers. Plus hopping on a trend isn’t a bad idea. Besides, it might get more new customers.

How To Use TikTok for Business

Sometimes, it’s not just about being active on a platform, it is also about how you can make do with the creative tools on that platform for your benefit. However, there are not just one but several ways you can use TikTok for your business.

But before that, you should keep in mind that creating an account on TikTok is very important before you can start using the platform for your business. After that, it is also not a bad idea to get to know the social platform (Get to Know TikTok). Then you can proceed with your already drafted business plan.

Advertise What You Would Like to Sell on TikTok

To advertise or market your products, you can use ads. Although, TikTok doesn’t focus on ads even though they offer businesses and brands different ways they can market their products. There are still ads that go with the platforms and they are of three different types. They include the in-feed ads, the top view ads, and the brand takeovers.

The in-feed ads are short ads that last for about 60 seconds and they can also link to your brand’s website or store users usually see these ads while going through their feed. While the brand takeover ad appears only when a user just opens the TikTok app and includes just a three seconds photo or video. Compared to the in-feed, they tend to be more expensive and brand owners can only run one takeover in a day depending on interest.

Lastly, the Top view ads. They are full-screen videos that a user comes across first on their feed. These ads last up to about 60 seconds. And there are no distractions while the ad is up. Also, according to a TikTok survey about 70% percent of people surveyed preferred this ad version.

  • Create a unique and relevant brand-related content
  • Participate in TikTok challenges
  • Also learn the Algorithm (factors that influence the algorithm include; location, trending hashtags and sounds, and user interactions. While once that doesn’t influence include; performance record, age of videos, and also several followers.)
  •  Partner with influencers.

Also, you can post your location to easily reach out to people within your locality. The above are the simple and easy steps to use Tiktok to grow your business.

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