Digital Marketing – How to make Money through Digital Marketing

Do you want to promote your brands through any social media platform? The digital marketing software is organized to help you promote your brands and to connect you with potential customers through the internet.  Digital marketing is also known as online marketing, which is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers. using the internet and other forms of digital communication. It makes use of digital technologies like desktop computers, mobile phones and so on. Digital marketing can also help you increase your brand awareness, boost web traffic and so on but this depends on the type of goal of each marketing content.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing allows you to do a lot of things online like video content, social media posts, content marketing, search engine marketing and social media advertisements all to boost your brands. According to research, more than 3 quarters of Americans go online on a daily basis. Not only that, but 43% go on more than once a day and 26% are online “almost constantly.”  Therefore as a digital marketer, make use of your online presence by building a brand and providing great user experience to attract more potential customers. So instead of making use of traditional marketing strategies like television ads, billboards and promotional mail sent to consumer residences.  Digital marketing is used by email, social media, web-based advertising, and text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

Types of Digital Marketing

The Digital marketing helps promote a company’s products, brands or services to its potential customer through their investment-based channels. They help manage advertising campaigns in social media and develop skills to create and evaluate results. There are different types of digital marketing. which are Affiliate marketing, Content marketing, Email marketing, Market Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Pay-per-check, Search engine optimization, and social media marketing.

Affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing — also known as influencer marketing —is popular in many organizations.  Is a means of advertising brands to a greater audience and also getting potential customers. using a social media influencer or an industry expert in which in return the influencer gets compensated.

In working with these third-party influencers, your organization will collaborate with the third-party influencer to promote your products or services for compensation. In collaboration, influencers will engage their audience with posts, blogs or videos to bring in more potential business clients or customers for your organization and create new leads.

Infographic with the text BLS predicts a 10% increase in the number of advertising, promotions and marketing managers through 2031. Within the previous years. affiliate marketing has grown with the use of social media apps like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and blogs being a mainstream form of entertainment and news. Affiliate marketing has become one of the more popular forms of digital marketing. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the affiliate marketing industry was estimated to be a $12 billion industry in 2022.

The job market is growing for marketers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) predicts a 10% increase through 2031 in the number of advertising, promotions and marketing managers.  The median salary for those positions was $133,380, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Content Marketing

Uses storytelling and writ-ups to advertise brands to increase awareness. The aim is to have customers gain trust in the brand. now and in the future. Not just making sales alone but also customers should trust the authenticity of a product, You are advertising. So that you can continue to make sustainable profit from the brand over time.

furthermore in such case, the customer might need additional information. such as requesting how to sign up for an email list or make a purchase. “Content” can refer to blog posts, resources like white papers and e-books, digital videos, podcasts and much more. It works in synchronization with other types of digital marketing. It is a way to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) into website content. and the content created can be shared as social media posts and in email marketing publications. Studying the analytics for your content marketing can give you an insight into;

What your customers want:

What are they looking for when they land on your site?

kinds of content that keeps them engaged?

What kinds make them lose interest and navigate away?

Unlike a method such as PPC, content marketing is a long-term strategy. Over time, marketers build up a library of content (text, video, podcasts, etc.) that will continue to bring users to the site via search engines, according to Adobe Experience Cloud, an organization that specializes in digital experience tools. This content library also helps promote knowledge of your brand and increases your profile as a resource for information.

And, if users are visiting your site for information, they will have trust to always purchase a product

Content marketing is a great avenue for people who enjoy writing and/or video and audio production. But digital marketing in a general sense involves strong strategic and analytical skills.

There are website-building platforms, blogging, and video creation app that enables get into content marketing. For free and low-cost options, you can consider:



Hubspot CMS



Some of these tools include features that provide tips on how to incorporate SEO, social media, email marketing, website design and so on.  So you can get the full digital marketing user experience.

Email Marketing:

one of the benefits of Email marketing is that,   helps to know how to create attractive campaigns. But they also understand optimal audience outreach and are skilled at analyzing customer interactions and data and making strategic decisions based on that data. Email marketing software can offer various analytical measures. but two things  that marketers are always striving to improve are the open rate — the percentage of recipients who opened the email — and the click-through rate — the number of recipients who opened the email and clicked on a link in the email.

According to leading email marketing software company Constant Contact, there are many things marketers can do to make their emails more appealing to users and more likely to click through

These include:

Create a Sense of Urgency – Writing email copy that shows the receiver how important it is to run a special deal or that there are only a limited number of offers available can increase the number of people clicking through to your website.

Personalize Your Email – Setting your emails and subject lines up to add the receiver’s name is a way to increase open and click-through rates. (A sample subject line: “obinna, a special offer just for you.”)

Let Recipients Set Their Preferences – allow users to have options on how often they would like to hear from you. You can help keep some of your email subscribers subscribed to your list and click on your emails.

Marketing Analytics

One of the major benefits of digital marketing is that it is measurable using your analytical values. However, the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers. If a customer used the coupon, you knew the message resonated.

Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behaviour using measurable values:

How many times do they click on a link

Engagement on the web page

How often do they open and click through emails?

However, analytics data provided about digital marketing performance should be well understood to be able to interpret the data and how you should form a strategy to overcome non-engagement on the website. Not only does this allow marketers to be successful with customers but it also gives value to the company.

There are tools available for measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns. Marketers use some combination of these tools, depending on their needs. One of the tools that is commonly used for marketing analytics is Google Analytics. Which can be customized in nearly endless ways to measure:

How your site is performing

Which keywords are bringing users to your site?

How users are navigating through your website and so on

However, Having accurate analytics skills enables the marketer to interpret data to prevent adverts from failing and through the analytics you can cut out campaigns that aren’t working. While building campaigns that has a proven success record. Over time, you won’t just be using analytics to measure your campaigns. The analytics will also inform and improve your campaigns.Career paths like marketing plans and strategies, branding, mobile marketing and digital advertising will be studied when going into a marketing program. 

Mobile Marketing

This is a branch of digital marketing that deals with reaching your target audience on their smartphone or tablet. Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a customer walks into a store or enters an event.

Infographic with the text Statista estimated that e-retail sales exceeded $5.7 trillion worldwide in 2022In February 2021, Statista conducted a survey in which 46% of the respondents claimed they spend between five to six hours a day on their phones for personal use. In addition, 22% stated they spend 3 to 4 hours a day on their phone. From the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021. Mobile users in the U.S. around 40 minutes a day on social media apps, with Facebook and Instagram holding the largest audience.

Electronic marketing has grown immensely in the last few years, becoming an important part of the global retail world. In 2022, retail e-commerce sales were estimated to surpass $5.7 trillion worldwide, reports Statista.

Your real customers are on phones or mobile device. Messages need to be sent to their mobile devices to reach out to potential customers.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Pay-per-click is paying for an advert to promote a search engine result.  This is a short-term form of digital marketing.  This means when the paid advert has expired, your ads no longer exist. Like SEO, PPC is a way to increase search traffic to a business online.

Pay-per-click can refer to the advertisements you see at the top and sides of a search results page, browsing the web, watching YouTube videos and using mobile apps.

One of the other things that differentiates pay-per-click from SEO is that you only pay for the results. In a typical PPC model like a Google AdWords campaign, you will pay only when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. The amount paid for a particular ad is dependent on how competitive the keyword is.  High-competition keywords (i.e. keywords that many people are searching for and that many sites are trying to find) will be more expensive and lower-competition terms will likely cost less.

When you set up a pay-per-click campaign, Therefore, you can choose the option of ads or promoted result to be shown all over the world or just a specific geographical area.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in Google search results, using phrases or keywords that consumers use to search for information online and using those phrases in their content.  In return for increasing search engine traffic to the business’s website.

 According to leading SEO software company Moz’s “Beginners Guide to SEO,” SEO encompasses many elements, from the words on your web pages to the way other sites link to you on the web to how your website is structured. An SEO specialist earns a median of $73,690, according to

So, what are some things that can improve a site’s SEO? is that the answer to this question always depends on search engines and their most recent algorithm. SEO includes the following

  • Content indexing – It is important to allow search engines to clearly “read” what your site content is by doing things like adding alt text for images and text transcripts for video and audio content.
  • Good link structure – It is important that search engines can “crawl” your site. to easily find all the content on your site. Crawl your links, URLs and sitemaps to make them more accessible to site crawlers.
  • Keywords and keyword targeting – Properly writing your keywords (i.e. the search terms you want your site to be found for) in your content, and the title is one of the important structures of SEO. It is no longer good practice to “stuff” your content with as many keywords and keyword variations as possible. Writing high-quality content that uses keywords in the headers and a few times in the crawlable page. Content will generate better traffic with a good most searched and arranged keyword.

Social Media Marketing

This is the use of various social media platform channels to grow your business. But marketers must approach social media l with an integrated and strategic approach. Social media marketing goes far beyond simply creating posts for social channels and responding to comments. To be successful as a social media marketer. Efforts be consistent and make a unique brand to stand out from others in the business

 To be consistent, there are various online tools, used to automate and schedule social media posts. Although marketers should use automation as a tool.  But not to forget post when published. So that a real person can reply to messages. If no real person replies message. Users will figure it out.  It’s important to measure how well your social media posts are performing. Before continuing to implement your new strategy using your analytics.

Some other options include Google My Business, eBay Facebook Messenger and Marketplace.

In other words, social media marketing is a lot more than managing your personal Facebook or Twitter profile. It requires a blend of creative thinking and objective, data-driven strategy and a great fit for professionals who enjoy blending these two disciplines. A social media analyst with a bachelor’s degree can earn about $72,222 according to Glassdoor.

Proven Ways to Earn in Digital Marketing

These are proven ways of earning money as digital marketers

Create and sell your digital products

Make money as a content writer- write well-detailed and structured articles for companies

Become an SEO expert and sell SEO services by optimizing Url to generate website traffic

Earn with affiliate marketing as explained above

Sell consulting services to companies

Become a YouTube advertising partner

Become an e-commerce specialist who deals in marketing or business growth strategy. and gives advice on what is pleasing to your consumers.

Manage PPC campaigns for other companies as explained above

Get a Digital marketing job

Start your own digital marketing agency

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